Verdant announces grant application process for 2021
Community groups and organizations working to support the health needs of residents in South Snohomish County will have an opportunity to seek funding from the Verdant Health Commission during its first competitive application process of 2021 next month.
“We are dedicated to supporting frontline organizations that provide essential services to support the health our residents,” said Verdant Superintendent Lisa Edwards. “We are pleased to open the grantmaking process and provide needed funds.”
The application for multi-year health programs and projects is now available on Verdant’s grant application web page for the first quarter of 2021. Proposals will be considered that meet the priority areas identified by Verdant’s Board of Commissioners, which include: access to healthcare, access to dental care, behavioral health, childhood obesity, food insecurity, helping people gain and sustain housing, other education & prevention, and supporting seniors.
Applications for this quarter can be submitted Feb. 15-26, 2021. Verdant is hosting an optional session that is open to the public on Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 2-3 p.m. on Zoom to share information about this opportunity and answer questions. To join the session, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82337381621?pwd=alYrdXIxbGxJQUtwYjIzQlVKU3RWdz09. The meeting ID is 823 3738 1621 and passcode is 477845. Dial-in number for audio is (253) 215-8782. There is no pre-registration for this session.
There will be three additional funding windows in 2021 for Verdant multi-year grants: May 17-28, Aug. 16-27, and Nov. 15-26. Information about the application process for each of these windows will be announced prior to the application period.
In addition to multi-year health program and project applications, Verdant continues to consider requests for funding that are in response to COVID-19 emergency needs. These funds have primarily gone toward efforts to support behavioral health and food access needs, but Verdant will consider requests about other emerging needs as well. To be considered for COVID-19 emergency funds, the 2021 COVID-19 Concept Paper is available to download on Verdant’s grant application web page.
At any time, Verdant’s Director of Community Impact & Grantmaking Zoe Reese can answer questions or discuss ideas that organizations are considering. To reach Zoe, email zoe.reese@verdanthealth.org or call (425) 582-8572.