Public Hospital District #2 Snohomish County Applauds Providence-Swedish Edmonds decision to keep Women’s Services at Edmonds Hospital
EDMONDS, WA – The Board of Commissioners of Public Hospital District #2, Snohomish County applauds the decision of Providence-Swedish Edmonds leaders to retain Women’s Services in South Snohomish County. “After input from nurses, physicians, and Commissioners, Providence-Swedish made the right decision to live up to its commitment to keep these services in our community where they can be accessed by residents. We are very pleased with this outcome. We look forward to working with the hospital leadership to ensure that residents continue to have access to the full range of quality hospital healthcare services near their homes,” said Dr. Jim Distelhorst, MD, Public Hospital District #2, Snohomish County board president and retired physician. In the coming weeks, the Verdant Commissioners will meet with Providence-Swedish Edmonds leadership to explore opportunities for enhanced communications and support for the caregivers and medical staff who provide essential care to patients.