Use your smartphone to protect against COVID-19
Have you heard about WA Notify or already downloaded it on your smartphone?
We at Verdant join our colleagues in public health to encourage you to download or activate WANotify by following the instructions available at It is a secure, voluntary, and private platform that uses anonymous codes to notify users if they have been near another WANotify user who tests positive for COVID. This does not replace steps needed to prevent the spread of the disease (like wearing a mask, regular hand-washing, and maintaining physical distance from others) nor does it replace public health steps for disease investigation and contact tracing, but it is a supplement to help aid with quick notification of potential exposure. It would allow you to seek care and testing as well as avoid exposing others.
The video below helps explain how it works and why it matters. We can all do our part to help stop the spread, and adding the app (for Android) or enabling the setting (for iPhone), can help you stay informed if you may have been exposed to COVID. Let’s look out for each other! Get started