senior woman with glasses smiling at camera
senior woman with glasses smiling at camera

South Snohomish County Resources

Are you struggling to maintain housing, get enough to eat, or find the medical care you need? In our community, there are many organizations that provide services and support to residents with limited resources who may need help maintaining housing, accessing nutritious food, and finding medical care. The contact information on this page is not a complete list of all these opportunities, but it provides a place to start.

Information & Referrals

North Sound 2-1-1/Volunteers of America Western Washington

2-1-1 is the most comprehensive database of community resources in our county, and staff can refer people to services for housing, food, transportation, utility, and other needs. or for the South County Advocate, call 425-405-2004 or email

Aging & Disability Resource Network from Homage

For seniors and adults with disabilities, Homage’s Aging and Disability Resource Network (ADRN) can assist with accessing benefits and services, provide assessment to determine needs and referrals to services, screen for eligibility for the Snohomish County Case Management Program (60+), and more. or call 800-422-2024 or 425-513-1900.

Crisis Resources in Snohomish County

Snohomish County offers many support options for people experiencing mental health crisis, substance use, domestic violence, and other services.


Community Health Center of Snohomish County

Locations in Edmonds and Lynnwood offer medical, dental, pharmacy, behavioral health, and medical walk-in for individuals with Washington Apple Health, Medicare, most private insurance, and offers a sliding fee for uninsured.

Sea Mar Community Health Centers

Lynnwood clinic offers medical, behavioral health, child & family, and maternity support and accepts Washington Apple Health, Medicare, most private insurance, and offers a sliding fee for uninsured.

Lahai Health

The Lynnwood and Mobile Medical clinics provide medical, dental, and counseling for uninsured and underinsured individuals at no cost or with a sliding fee based on the service and income.

Other Community Resource Lists

Dental Resources from Snohomish Health District

This site features information about services in Snohomish County for people needing dental assistance.

South County Service Guide from South County Fire

The Community Paramedic Program maintains a list of resources in our community that features services like food assistance and delivery, pharmacy delivery, housing assistance, medical, mental health, utility, phone/internet, and transportation.

Sun rising behind Verdant community center building
Sun rising behind Verdant community center building

Community Wellness Center

Join us for a class, use the space for a community health meeting or special event, or meet with a Verdant staff member. The Verdant Community Wellness Center offers in-person and virtual classes and can be used by community health organizations for meetings or classroom space.

Community Wellness Center
man and woman in disposable face masks look at laptop together
man and woman in disposable face masks look at laptop together

Verdant en Español

Verdant ofrece una amplia variedad de programas gratuitos y de bajo costo para los miembros de nuestra comunidad de habla hispana. Las clases de español se ofrecen en persona y en línea.

Verdant en Español